902 N. Armenia Ave, Tampa FL 33609

Florida Consumer Protection Attorneys



Consumer Protection

Businesses, especially in the financial industry, often engage in abusive and harassing tactics aimed at consumers that violate federal and Florida laws. These bad actors are driven by the desire to increase profits and reduce costs associated with effective legal compliance.

For example, if debt collectors are calling your phone, you do not have to tolerate the disturbance, harassment or humiliation. Florida’s consumer protection laws protect consumers against the harassment by lenders through unfair debt collection practices.

Similarly, consumers can find themselves victims of inaccurate credit reporting, allegations regarding debts they dispute or do not owe, and overcharging by credit counselling agencies that provide debt management services.

The experienced Consumer Protection attorneys at Shrader Mendez & O’Connell can assist you in turning the tables on abusive businesses. Some cases may result in debt forgiveness, credit repair, and being awarded financial compensation. A lot of consumer protection laws provide that the business pay your attorneys’ fees so that attorneys can take your case without any out of pocket expense to you.
