902 N. Armenia Ave, Tampa FL 33609

How to Claim Lost Wages From a Car Accident

One of the primary sources for coverage following a Florida car accident is your personal injury protection (PIP) coverage provided by your own automobile insurance. It includes compensation for lost wages that you could not earn while you recovered from your injuries. 

Claiming Lost Wages Through Insurance

In order to submit a lost wages claim, you will typically submit proof to your PIP carrier showing the period of time in which you were unable to work. Your evidence must also show that your inability to work was due to injuries you sustained in your car accident

Your evidence should consist of the following documentation:

  • Your medical records; 
  • Doctor’s notes and treatment plans;
  • Any work-related limitations your medical team has placed on you;
  • Attendance or shift reports from your employer establishing you were absent;
  • Pay statements that establish your rate of pay.

Your PIP coverage provides the opportunity for you to recover 60 percent of your lost wages. For example, if you suffered $1,000.00 in lost wages because of your accident, you would be able to recover up to $600.00.  

Additional compensation may be available if you file/pursue a lawsuit against the at-fault driver for lost wages. An experienced Florida car accident lawyer can review your case and determine whether you meet the criteria for filing a lawsuit.

Contact Shrader, Mendez & O’Connell Today

Receiving the full amount of benefits you are entitled to after a Florida car accident can be a challenging and confusing process. Call 813-360-1529 to speak with a Tampa car accident attorney at Shrader, Mendez & O’Connell for assistance with your claim.

Posted in Car Accident